Now we get to the fun part!
In your account page, click the ‘Buy Coin’ tab, and you’ll see a list of sellers on the right hand page, like in the image above. Similarly, clicking the ‘Sell Coin’ tab will show you a list of buyers. You can navigate to advertisements of other coins by clicking its symbol.
If you find a price that you are satisfied with, click on the ‘Buy’ button and it will bring you to this page.
On the lower left hand page, you’ll see the profile of the seller/buyer. You’ll be able to find out how many trades he has made, his rating, and whether he has verified his ID. On the lower right hand page is the reviews from his previous trades.
Scroll up again and you’ll see the trade information. On the upper right hand page, you will have to fill in your desired Bitcoin to sell/buy. Note that you will have to put an amount that is equal to or higher than the minimum amount set on the upper left hand page.
Once you’ve done that, click the ‘Buy Bitcoins’ button and the trade will start.
Post your own advertisements
The second method is to post an advertisement of your own if you want to offer your own price. On the seller/buyer listing, click the ‘+New Advertisement’ tab.
Choose whether you want buy or sell, and the coin type. Fill in the mininum amount (e.g. 0.01 BTC) and the maximum amount of the coin, bank details and payment instructions (if you’re a seller), and your advertisement’s price.
For buyers, put in the maximum amount you’re willing to pay and the percentage to set your advertisement’s price based on the market price. In the image above, the percentage has been set to -5% below the market price (you can see the price in orange is slightly lower than the market price).
For sellers, put in the minimum amount you’re willing to sell your coin for and the percentage. Similarly, a negative percentage sets the price below market price, and a positive percentage sets it above the market price.
Click ‘Advertise Now’ and wait for users to pick up your ads! Make sure you put a competitive price that is reasonable so you’d have a chance of buying/selling coins. Easy, right?